FPGA Development
- Design, simulation, verification, implementation, Altera and Xilinx
- Hardware based Computing, Signal Processing, DDS implementation
- MATLAB models to HDL translation, optimization and implementation
- Extensive proven IP libraries for interfacing ADCs, DACs, sensors and buses
- Power, signal integrity and PCB layout optimization
- SPI, I2C, PCI, PCI-e, AquadB, High Speed Ser/Des, ADC, DAC, Ethernet, safety logic and others
FPGA Families:
- Altera: Cyclone, MAX, Stratix
- Xilinx: Virtex, Zynq
- Recent Targets: Zed Board, Micro Zed
We are using following tools and languages:
- Quartus, Modelsim, SignalTap. TimeQuest
- PlanAhead, XST, ISE, ChipScope, ISim, Vivado, Vivado HLS
- Verilog, VHDL, AHDL, System C, C/C++, MATLAB, scripting
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